1.1 The Council comprises 47 Members, otherwise called Councillors. Councillors are elected by the voters of each Ward. There is a mixture of three-Member, two-Member and one-Member Wards (electoral divisions) in York.
1.2 Only registered voters of York or those living or working in York will be eligible to hold the office of Councillor.
2.1 The regular election of all Councillors will be held on the first Thursday in May every four years. The term of office of Councillors will start on the fourth day after being elected and will finish on the fourth day after the date of the next regular election.
3.1 Councillors will at all times in undertaking their roles and functions observe the Members’ Code of Conduct, guidance issued by the Joint Standards Committee and the Protocols set out in the Appendices of this Constitution and maintain the highest standard of conduct and ethics.
4 Key Roles
4.1 All Councillors will:
a. represent their communities and bring the views of their communities into the Council’s decision-making process;
b. deal with individual casework and act as an advocate for constituents in resolving particular concerns or grievances;
c. balance different interests identified within their Ward and represent the Ward as a whole;
d. represent the Council in the community;
e. at Full Council, set the Budget and Policy Framework for the Council;
f. participate in decision making through membership of Committees.
g. if they are a Member of the Executive, take or participate in Executive decisions; and if not a Member of the Executive, participate in the scrutiny of such decisions; and
h. be available to represent the Council on other bodies.
5.1 Councillors will have such rights of access to documents, information, facilities, land and buildings of the Council as are necessary for the proper discharge of their functions and in accordance with the law.
5.2 Councillors will not make public information which they know or ought reasonably to know is confidential or exempt without the consent of the Council, or divulge information given in confidence to anyone other than a Councillor or Officer entitled to know it.
5.3 For these purposes “confidential” and “exempt” information are defined in the Access to Information Rules in Appendix 7 of this Constitution.
5.4 Councillors will be entitled to receive allowances in accordance with the Members’ Allowance Scheme set out in Appendix 20 of this Constitution.
5.5 Councillors will in undertaking their roles have regard to the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998, the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Equality Act 2010 and any subsequent and related legislation and guidance.